Melody Maker interview from 1989

Here’s another great issue of Melody Maker from 1989. Once again the Roses were on the cover and there’s some good photography throughout.

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Once again special thanks to Charles from Archived Music Press who scanned this issue. You can find this and many more great Melody Maker articles on his website Archived Music Press.

You can find this and other classic Roses’ interviews in the Press Section.

4 thoughts on “Melody Maker interview from 1989”

  1. Love this interview just for the pure reason that John Wilde couldn’t have been more wrong if he tried. Just because the band loathed jounalists and interviewers with pre conceived conceptions and answers..just like this petulant journalist who they obviuosly held in righteous contempt..John Wilde was in the prescence of a legendary band who’s first LP has reached legendary status eclipsing works like The Beatles Revolver..they was true to their word and bowed out when they felt they couldnt go any further..leaving us in awe for the rest of our lives..John Wilde was in the prescence of genius and couldnt recognise it..and the bit about him wanting to come on John..your ego got the better of you that time hey?? John you article has over time proved your inept approach to the music industry if, in the prescence of The Stone Roses, this was your conclusion… wrong can one man be?

  2. Where can i send a few scans i have a few things id like to send to the site.

  3. Brilliant, hopefully that article will stick around so Wilde can continue to suffer the embarassement of it. He writes for the guardian nowadays, spouting nonsense still.

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