The Roses feature in this weeks’ NME.
“Inside their first new music for 21 years, and the album that will surely follow.”
Serving Stone Roses fans since 1999
The Roses feature in this weeks’ NME.
“Inside their first new music for 21 years, and the album that will surely follow.”
Q magazine are commemorating the the 20th anniversary of “Second Coming†by The Stone Roses with a special 20-page feature.
The feature in the February issue includes previous unseen photos and new interviews.
Time for another site exclusive. Here’s the full scanned article from Raw magazine originally published in 1995.
With 9 pages in full colour, a cool front cover and lot’s of exclusive pictures … this issue is well worth checking out.
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Part 3 of the occasional series celebrating The Stone Roses’ appearances on the front covers of magazines.
We jump forward to late 1994 and 1995 when the Roses were on the comeback trail with the Second Coming album. The years in the wilderness didn’t seem to dent the Roses’ popularity.
The massive interest in the Roses is demonstrated by the sheer number of covers they graced in this period. A small selection is presented below.
What’s your favourite ever Roses’ magazine cover? Leave a comment and let us know.
Time for some more music press covers featuring the Roses.
All these examples are from 1990. The Roses have transcended their indie roots and are fast moving into the musical mainstream. This is illustrated by their appearance in more teen and pop based publications, and the rock establishment that is Q magazine.
What’s your favourite ever Roses’ magazine cover? Leave a comment and let us know.