City: Cork, Ireland
Date: 6th August 1995
Running Time (Approx): 80 mins
- I Wanna Be Adored
- She Bangs The Drums
- Waterfall
- Ten Storey Love Song
- Daybreak
- Breaking Into Heaven
- Your Star Will Shine
- Tightrope
- Elizabeth My Dear
- Tears
- I Am The Resurrection
- Love Spreads
- Good Times
- Driving South
- Made Of Stone
Sound Quality: B
First half of gig is very clean, with nice bass and could be from the same source as the Crimson Tonight CD, although the guitar is a bit low in the mix. Elizabeth My Dear is slightly warped, and although the sound recovers, it doesn’t sound as good as it did to start with after that, sounding a bit too fast.
Performance Quality: A
Although Ian is quite poor and there are too many keyboards, this was the gig where the new Stone Roses got their act together properly and started producing amazing live experiences like they had done five years previously. A great emotional performance, especially from the guitarists, Mani and Squire.
Why should I get this bootleg?
A very good performance, this was also Nigel Ipinson’s first gig with the Roses, so hear how he started off. You also might like to know that two of the songs, Breaking Into Heaven and Love Spreads, are captured on the TV Appearances compilation video.
This was the first show the Roses played that was near Britain on their 1995 tour, so ferryloads of people came over for it. One reporter reviewing the gig for The Times, said “I have seen Take That, and the hysterics of their audience was nothing like the Roses fever at Feile. As the band took the stage the crowd started piling over the crash barriers before they had even played a note.” Also, when Tricky was playing a gig at the same Festival, Ian walked into the audience, and everyone freaked out and ran over to him, leaving the front of the stage totally empty!
Fan Reviews
“One of the best Second Coming gigs I’ve heard. The sound quality is fine to listen to, the only annoying bit is Liz My Dear and the start of Tears where it goes all funny. You can hear the audience, and they’re loving it!” – Ben Cohen, England